Our Milestones

As individuals and as a society, we must effect a mindset shift – to see past disability, focus on abilities, and make inclusion the norm. In other words, we must go beyond acceptance, to inclusion.
- Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat

Let us go beyond acceptance and take the practical steps required to remove barriers – often invisible barriers – so that persons with disabilities are able to secure work and contribute to society as our fellow citizens.
- President Tharman Shanmugaratnam

The ESH places Community at the heart of its efforts. It embodies the idea that every individual deserves the opportunity to participate fully in society, and that everyone can contribute in their unique way. When we come alongside each other, we become a stronger and more vibrant community.
- Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development

A line from the verse, ‘look around us, let us realise we are part of the same side,’ resonates deeply with me. I don't think we actively realise that while we all come from different walks of life, we’re all actually part of the same body. We are all Singaporeans – with different lives and different experiences, but still one community.
- Dr Darius Lim, Artistic Director of Voices of Singapore, 'Our Story' Composer


The project demonstrates a successful model for integrating disability services and accessible design into an existing community.
- Jury Citation

These artists now have an international platform to showcase their talents and the social service agencies have built their capabilities in creating a commercially viable product that carries a unique Singaporean identity.
- Ms Ku Geok Boon, CEO, SG Enable

The Enabling Academy is the next bound in the partnership across the public, private and people sectors to enhance lifelong learning for persons with disabilities and will bring fresh ideas, innovations and capabilities into the disability training space.
- Mr Eric Chua, Parliamentary Secretary for Social and Family Development

If we want to see a sustainable improvement in the employment outcomes of persons with disabilities, businesses must see it in their interest to hire such people – not out of charity, not out of social good alone, but because businesses truly believe in the benefits of disability-inclusive hiring.
- Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong


These employers have made remarkable efforts to tap on a wider talent pool of persons with disabilities. By focusing on their abilities, persons with disabilities can be gainfully employed, along with a sense of identity, purpose and social connectedness.
- President Halimah Yacob


This new single-touchpoint structure is the next big step forward for the sector – to bring stakeholders under one umbrella to co-create and co-deliver services and solutions for persons with disabilities.
- Mr Sam Tan, Minister of State for Social and Family Development

Every year, I see the fun pack designs and I always hoped they would give us a chance... (To be given this opportunity) means a lot to people with disabilities.
- Katy Lee, an artist with disability whose artwork was featured on an NDP Pack


From designing artwork to making handicraft, many of the social service agencies and social enterprises already have existing infrastructure to develop persons with disabilities as creative talents. The Collective represents a strong commitment to create more opportunities for them to showcase their capabilities and empower them through collaboration and employment.
- Ms Jean Tan, i'mable Workgroup Co-Chair and SG Enable Board Member

The Achievement and Promise awards are to celebrate the accomplishments of persons with disabilities, not only for the challenges they have overcome, but also for who they are and what they can contribute to Singapore if we maximise their potential.
- Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong

By caregivers, for caregivers.
This inaugural Care Carnival was held at Enabling Village to connect and empower caregivers of children with special needs.
2016 - 2018

As key touch points on the ground for persons with disabilities and their caregivers, you (as coalition partners) are in a good position to identify challenges and areas for collaboration. This coalition magnifies your individual efforts into a larger, collective impact.
- Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for Social and Family Development

MEF helps persons with disabilities lead active and productive lives. Our vision is to change society’s perception of them, from seeing only their disabilities to recognising their abilities, promise and achievements.
- Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong

(Enabling Village) is the first of its kind, and represents a natural evolution of place-making, where the redesign of the space is driven by the needs of the users. It is a sensitively conceived social space that breaks down fences to integrate communities and transform lives.
- Jury Citation

2013 - 2015

The Enabling Village will bring new opportunities for persons with disabilities.... (It) gives young people opportunities to train, to prepare for their work and to interact with the wider community through shared spaces and events.
- Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Our vision is a Singapore where persons with disabilities are integrated, empowered to reach their potential and become contributing members of our society. The Enabling Masterplan is our plan for the progressive realisation of this vision, and SG Enable will serve as a critical implementation vehicle for initiatives under the masterplan.
- Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Social and Family Development