Our Information & Career Centre and shuttle bus service will have shorter operating hours on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve (24 Dec and 31 Dec). Please click here for more information.

Our Policies

SG Enable is guided by its Constitution and enterprise strategy in the selection and nomination of suitable Board Directors.  Nomination of Board Directors should take into account their relevant experience in leadership and strategic management with necessary breadth of knowledge, subject matter expertise and professional network to support SG Enable in pursuing its enterprise vision and mission. 

The Board evaluates its performance and effectiveness in areas such as strategic planning, risk management, and fundraising, once per term or once every three years via a self-administered questionnaire which is completed individually by the Board Directors.

Re-nomination and reappointment of Board Directors takes into consideration specific functions and competencies as well as on-going roles that are critical for continuity. Other considerations include the level of participation in Board and committee meetings, support for SG Enable’s initiatives and events and expertise provided to SG Enable. 

SG Enable also has various Committees supporting the Board: 

  • The Audit and Risk Committee provides strategic guidance and counsel to the Board of SG Enable in the financial affairs of SG Enable and the management of key risks. 
  • The Finance and Development Committee assists the Board to establish financial stability for SG Enable and to secure the resources necessary to permit SG Enable to accomplish its mission and advises the Board on matters pertaining to budget and funding. 
  • The Human Resource Committee supports the Board in issues relating to human resources policies and practices of SG Enable.
  • The Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund – Fund Administration Council supports the Board in managing donation monies received for the fund and ensuring accountability to donors in the use of the donations received.
  • The Goh Chok Tong Enable Fund – Fundraising Committee supports the Board in guiding the development and execution of fundraising efforts for the fund. 

As part of the on-boarding process, Board Directors will declare any conflict of interest. Board Directors will refresh their declarations annually and recuse themselves from discussion or decision-making on matters in which they have an actual or potential conflict of interest, and the recusal will be documented. 

For staff, new hires declare any conflict of interest at the start of their employment with SG Enable. Existing staff make annual declarations on conflict of interest. 

The Board and Finance Committee reviews and approves the annual budget prepared by management with the operating and capital expenditure budget utilisation regularly monitored.  Written procedures are in place for financial matters in key areas which includes procurement, receipt, payment and delegation of authority and limits of approval. 

SG Enable also adopts a rigorous enterprise risk management framework. Internal audits are conducted yearly on key aspects of our operations and outcomes are reported to the Audit Committee. 

Our reserves comprise the general fund and restricted funds.  Disbursement and usage of restricted funds are restricted to the specific charitable purposes specified by our funders.

  • A general fund balance is set aside to ensure financial stability by providing a cushion against unplanned situations, any delays in funding or sources of income and to meet future, unforeseen needs or pursue an opportunity that are aligned to achieve organisation’s mission and vision.
  • The use of restricted funds is based on guidance that is in accordance with the various funding agreements established with the respective funders.

SG Enable may raise donations for programmes to support persons with disabilities, and their caregivers as well as to strengthen the disability sector. These donations go directly towards the stated programmes that support the beneficiaries.  

At SG Enable, we are committed to creating a positive and impactful experience for our volunteers while maintaining transparency and accountability in all our operations. Our volunteers are termed Enabling Volunteers while volunteers with disabilities are additionally designated as iChamps (Inclusion Champions).

Enabling Volunteers are individuals who play a crucial role in SG Enable by dedicating their time and energy to contribute to our sustained efforts in disability inclusion. We aim to provide a rewarding and enriching experience for them. We recruit and engage volunteers primarily from corporates and from platforms in which persons with disabilities are keen to volunteer their services. We will provide a safe and supportive environment, offer necessary training and resources, and address any concerns promptly to ensure the safety and well-being of our volunteers. We will communicate volunteers’ roles and responsibilities, including codes of conduct, confidentiality, and the process for feedback during the onboarding process and issue them with the terms of reference and guidelines. We will provide opportunities for skill-building, training, and recognition to enhance volunteers’ capacity and commitment to our cause. We are committed to continuous improvement and seek feedback from volunteers and stakeholders regularly and use this feedback to refine and enhance our processes.

This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to align with our evolving needs and to reflect best practices in volunteer engagement.

SG Enable does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, statutory non-compliance or wrongdoing involving staff in the course of our work.  

Below provides an avenue for staff, suppliers, contractors and other parties to step forward and disclose, in good faith, their concerns on wrongdoings.

Reports can be made to whistleblow@sgenable.sg.

In order to effectively evaluate and investigate a concern, the report made should provide as much specific details as possible. The following information should be included:

  • Name of whistleblower
  • Name(s) of person(s)/partner(s)/vendor(s) involved
  • Date, time and location of incident
  • Description of the concern
  • Frequency of occurrence
  • Evidence, if any
  • Any other information that may substantiate the concern

We will hold all reports and the identities of the whistleblowers in strictest confidence.