Inclusive Society - Catalyst

Integrating Ideas and Expertise to Accelerate Change

Catalyst – an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.

To ignite or speed up change, we need to bring people, talents and resources to bear, identify key focus areas, develop insights, and pilot new solutions.

Great oak trees have small beginnings; we endeavour to plant seeds and encourage growth by incubating ideas, prototyping new ways of doing things and harnessing technology to make a difference.

We hope that successful collaborations lead to outcomes that can be replicated or scaled up to achieve greater collective impact.

Creating Enterprise Opportunities


sales of merchandise and commissioned products since inception


new product lines developed with i'mable Collective makers and enterprise partners


social service agencies, social enterprises, and independent artists showcased products


customers welcomed

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Latest update: FY2022

A girl with a prosthetic leg and a woman in wheelchair exchanging gifts.

Enabling Lives Initiative Grant


committed to disability social innovation projects

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Latest update: FY2022

Illustration of a work discussion amongst a mix of people with and without disabilities.

Alliance for Action for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities

>3,000 caregivers

supported through Project 3i and Community Circles

A professional speaking with two other professionals, as they walk down a pathway.

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we can work together?

Check out more impact statistics