Hiring & Employment


Persons with disabilities who are work-capable can work alongside everyone with job support and reasonable accommodations. Support is available for jobseekers, including students preparing for work after formal education, and persons with acquired disabilities returning to work. More information can be found in the Enabling Guide, our first-stop disability online resource for persons with disabilities and their caregivers.


Research has shown that inclusive companies outperform their peers. New to disability-inclusive hiring? Find out the business benefits and support available to companies.

Enabling Mark Logo

The Enabling Mark is a national-level accreditation framework that benchmarks and recognises organisations for their best practices and outcomes in disability-inclusive employment. Organisations that hire persons with disabilities can apply.

Disability Employment Professionals

Disability employment professionals, such as job coaches, are instrumental in creating an inclusive workplace. They support employees with disabilities in their transition and integration into the work environment, while also strengthening the employer’s capabilities to manage a diverse talent pool. We strengthen the competencies of such professionals through various professional development opportunities.