Call for Proposals

Come onboard as a partner of the i’mable movement in our Public Education Funding - Call for Proposals. ​

Participate in enhancing capabilities and fostering action through projects. Funded by Public Education, we aim to shift mindset and empower communities.

As an i'mable partner, we believe you can...

Change Attitudes

General population to have positive mindset towards disability and inclusion​

Increase Abilities

General population to have knowledge in interacting and supporting persons with disabilities

Influence Actions

Provide opportunities to interact and co-create with persons with disabilities and support inclusion ​

Submit your proposals here:

Opens from 7 June 2024 and closes on 5 July 2024 at 2359 hours.

Download information kit

For further enquiries, please contact:

Monica Khoo (
Derek Tan (

Note: Projects are to be completed by 31 March 2025.