My Favourite Food

Brenda Teo Wen Yin, 22
Metta Welfare Association | i'mable
Brenda Teo Wen Yin loves Singapore for its world-class food, which she sought to spotlight in her artwork.
To her, food is an integral part of our culture. Many of us come from different backgrounds and have different stories to share, but our love for food unites us regardless of our differences. Therefore, she finds this aspect of Singapore worthy of celebration this National Day.
In this artwork, she pictured herself surrounded by her favourite foods from Singapore, including different types of rice and noodles, as well as fast food and local delicacies like satay. Her line drawings intimately reflect her love and pride for Singapore in a unique manner.
Brenda is often shy and reserved. Hence, she opts for music to connect with others emotionally and to express herself. She explained that she plays her music “from her heart” to convey deep thoughts and complex emotions that would otherwise have been lost in translation.
A skilled pianist, she plays a wide variety of musical pieces, many of which she has committed to memory. Her use of long, steady and unbroken lines in drawing circles, and shapes like the body and hands is unique, and showcases her confidence and ability. The simple pleasures that are the subject matter of her artwork intimately reflect her appreciation, love and pride for the country she calls home.
For example, when asked to introduce herself, she chose to play us a magnificent rendition of a Chinese martial arts song.
Her message to Singapore this National Day, too, was perfectly encapsulated by her performance of ‘Majulah Singapura’ - a reminder to keep advancing no matter the circumstances. Befitting her talents, her dream is to become a musician and composer. Though that may not be a reality just yet, she is happy to keep expanding her repertoire, honing her craft, and sharing her gift to uplift others.