Disability Professionals Network
The Disability Professionals Network (DPN) is a forum led by SG Enable where organisations, professionals, and other stakeholders in the disability space can learn and share on matters regarding disability policy and practice, and work together in a spirit of collaboration and mutual support, to deliver more coordinated and impactful services to persons with disabilities.
What the DPN does
We promote the sharing and adoption of good practices through:
- Dissemination or sharing of good practices, research and survey findings, etc. among DPN participants;
- Collaborations to develop innovative and impactful solutions and trials;
- Tackling key topics of interest identified among DPN participants; and
- Forming resource panels or mentors to support other DPN participants in research, new product development, etc.
We promote conversations around disability policy through:
- Open sharing of gaps, issues, and concerns; and
- Discussions with policymakers on policy matters and needs of persons with disabilities.
SG Enable organised a workshop in July 2024 for various agencies focusing on visual impairment (Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped, Guide Dogs Singapore Ltd, iC2 PrepHouse Limited, K9 Assistance Limited Singapore, SPD) to share their workplans and initiatives for the year, while SG Enable outlined our strategic priorities in enabling persons with visual impairment to work, learn, live and play in an inclusive society.
The session was attended by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth, and Social and Family Development, who participated in the rich discussion and was most heartened by everyone’s dedication and commitment.

At the engagement session held in May 2024, Tri-Sector Associates presented insights from their study on the post-18 landscape in Singapore. The study, conducted in collaboration with AWWA, Metta Welfare Association, MINDS, Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities and TOUCH Community Services, provides recommendations to better serve persons with disabilities and caregivers in Singapore.

In July 2023, over 100 attendees participated in a sharing session by Professor Jennifer Smith-Merry from the Centre for Disability Research and Policy, Australia. The session included a robust discussion on crucial aspects of post-18 disability support, particularly in vocational education and training for persons with disabilities. The session was moderated by Dr Victor Zhuang, International Postdoctoral Scholar from Nanyang Technological University.

In April 2023, we held an engagement session in conjunction with ForwardSG Exercise, aimed at exploring how as a society, we can better support persons with disabilities to live and work more independently. The event was graced by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth, and Social and Family Development, who also took part in the discussions.

More than 50 representatives from 24 social service agencies attended the engagement session in September 2022 and learnt about Enabling Academy, the Enabling Masterplan 2030 (EMP2030) and various grants that SG Enable administers.
Enabling Academy and EY also led a breakout session to gather feedback from participants. These insights will guide Enabling Academy as they develop a framework to map out essential skills and competencies for persons with disabilities and their network of support.

As part of the engagements under the Enabling Masterplan 2030, two focus group discussions were organised in 2021, to gather feedback that will shape the key focus areas and desired goals for a more inclusive Singapore by 2030. The sessions were attended
by more than 160 disability professionals from organisations such as special education schools and social service agencies serving persons with disabilities.