Start your disability-inclusive employment journey and learn about the suite of grants and support services available.
Enabling Business Hubs
Developed by SG Enable, Enabling
Business Hubs (EBHs) have Centres for Inclusive Employment for employers which
act as one-stop hubs for industry-specific training and employment facilitation
for persons with disabilities. EBHs also bring training and employment
opportunities for persons with disabilities closer to their homes. They support
persons with disabilities through customised job support and a structured work
environment with inclusive practices.
Advisory and Consultancy
We come alongside to kickstart your inclusive hiring journey.
Open Door Programme (ODP)
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The programme aims to encourage employers to hire, train and integrate persons with disabilities. The Open Door Programme (ODP) is a government funded initiative by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and the Workforce Singapore (WSG) and administered by SG Enable.
ODP-registered employers can apply for grants and employment support services such as:
- Job Redesign Grant to support redesigning of jobs such as purchases of equipment and workplace modification
- Training Grant for course fee support for employers; and
- Recruitment, job placement and job support services
For more information, please refer to the ODP Infokit for Employers.
Please click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
If you have further queries, please email us at opendoor@sgenable.sg.
Other schemes, such as the Enabling Employment Credit, also help to provide financial support to employers.
ODP Job Redesign Grant
This grant helps employers to recruit and retain persons with disabilities by supporting up to 90% of the job redesign costs, capped at $20,000 per employee with disability, whichever is lower.
It can be used to defray the cost for the following job redesign initiatives:
- Purchase of equipment
- Workplace modifications
- Redesigning of job scopes or processes
- Consultancy Services
To apply for the Job Redesign Grant, employers are to complete the Job Redesign Application Form and email to opendoor@sgenable.sg. An officer will contact you for further follow-up.
Recruitment, Job Placement & Job Support Services
You can get recruitment assistance through the ODP Job Portal, and get up to 12 months of job support.
For every person with disability placed by our appointed partners — Autism Resource Centre, Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS) and SPD — up to 1 year of job support for your new employees will be provided.
Enabling Employment Credit &
Inclusive Business Programme
(Enhanced) Enabling Employment Credit
Enabling Employment Credit (EEC) will be paid to employers of persons with disabilities aged 13 and above, and earning below $4,000 a month. In addition, employers who hire a person with disability who has not been in employment for the past six months, will receive an additional wage offset for the first nine months of employment.
EEC is applicable for persons with disabilities who are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, and will be available until 2028.
Inclusive Business Programme
This programme supports inclusive businesses by directly allocating them HDB shop spaces when at least 20% of their employees are persons with disabilities. In addition, inclusive businesses that are SMEs will enjoy a 30% rental discount for their first three years of tenancy, with the option of renewing for another 3 years.
Interested businesses are to complete the Inclusive Business Programme Application Form and email to opendoor@sgenable.sg.
Employment Development Grant
This grant supports disability-inclusive employers who have the desire to develop internal capabilities, to retain employees with disabilities and to scale up inclusive hiring efforts.
The grant, capped at $40,000 per employer can be used for initiatives such as the following:
- Appointing an existing employee as an in-house job coach
- Hiring an external job coach to build up job support capabilities
- Hiring an external consultant to improve recruitment and onboarding policies and practices
Employers who are interested may write in to opendoor@sgenable.sg and an officer will follow up with you.
Inclusive Hiring Queen Bee Grant
This grant aims to accelerate the growth of the pool of disability-inclusive employers by supporting outreach efforts to their existing employer networks.
Appointed Queen Bees can claim up to $5,000 per year to cover the cost of marketing and outreach to employers in their network:
- Up to 80% of actual cost for marketing
- Up to 100% honorarium, capped at $200/hour for engagement of speakers or subject matter experts.
Employers who are interested may write in to opendoor@sgenable.sg and an officer will follow up with you.
To register as an Open Door Employer
Please click on the image below to login via SingPass.
Upon login, select "For Employer" in the side bar and click on "Register Here" to register as a new employer.
If you have any enquiries, you may contact us at the following:
- Email: opendoor@sgenable.sg
- Tel: 1800-8585-885