President's Challenge
Enabling Employment Pledge
President’s Challenge advocates for employers to empower persons with disabilities so that they can achieve their full potential. SG Enable, being the focal agency for the disability sector in Singapore, supports the President’s Challenge Enabling Employment Pledge, through its i’mable public education initiative.
For persons with disabilities, employment helps in their social inclusion, personal development, financial independence and overall well-being. For employers, this is an excellent opportunity to tap on the pool of talent, skills and experience from the community of persons with disabilities. The employment of persons with disabilities will also inject positive workplace diversity within the organisation.
Your support as an employer is important in this national movement to build a caring and inclusive Singapore, where diverse abilities are valued and embraced.
As a signatory of the Enabling Employment Pledge, you will receive:
- Recognition as an employer who supports the “President’s Challenge Enabling Employment Pledge”, with the official logo of the Pledge made available for use in publicity and outreach materials.
- Dedicated support to tap on programmes and services for the training and employment of persons with disabilities.
- Consultancy on inclusive hiring.
- Invitations to attend networking and sharing sessions with like-minded employers.
- Opportunities to be featured at signature President’s Challenge events.
Here are our proud signatories of the Enabling Employment Pledge.

Sign the Enabling Employment Pledge and affirm your commitment to:
Adopt an inclusive mindset towards employees with disabilities
- Recognise that employees with disabilities are capable of contributing and bringing value as all other employees do
- Create a work culture that welcomes and respects employees with disabilities
- Treat employees with disabilities fairly and with dignity
- Enable employees with disabilities to have access to information, activities and opportunities at work like the other employees
Create barrier-free workplace environments
- Create a conducive workplace that is non-discriminatory, safe and friendly to employees with disabilities
- Ensure that work-related programmes and facilities are accessible to employees with disabilities
- Embrace innovation and technology as enablers to employability, productivity and independence of employees with disabilities at the workplace
Implement supportive employment policies for employees with disabilities
- Incorporate HR practices such as flexible work arrangements, assistive technologies, fair remuneration and career development, that encourage hiring and retention of persons with disabilities
- Explore adjustments or redesign job roles or work processes to enable employees with disabilities to showcase and develop their strengths and capabilities
- Leverage available resources and support (both internal and external) for employers to hire and train persons with disabilities
- Help employees with disabilities transition smoothly from school/training to work, and help them to upgrade and embark on lifelong learning
- Exchange best practices with other employers on how to better support employees with disabilities