Disability 101 Workshop For Training Providers

Training providers who are keen to build their knowledge of the disability sector and capabilities to customise and deliver inclusive training for persons with disabilities can sign up for the Disability 101 Workshop.

The half-day workshop aims to provide training providers with an overview of the types of disability, the importance of disability inclusion and practical strategies for creating inclusive learning environments.

The workshop will be held at Enabling Village on these dates: 

6 August 2024 (Tuesday), 2pm – 6pm
21 October 2024 (Monday), 2pm – 6pm
27 November 2024 (Wednesday), 2pm – 6pm
13 January 2025 (Monday), 2pm – 6pm

Secure your spot today and embark on a journey towards fostering inclusivity and accessibility in training.

<Register Here>


For training providers looking to work with SG Enable through the training grant, please refer to the information below.

For more information, please contact Enabling Academy at training@sgenable.sg or call us at 1800-8585-885.

For training partners who are looking at barrier-free training facilities at Enabling Village, please click here to find out more.


Training Grant

The Training Grant is to defray the costs of training persons with disabilities by encouraging training providers, including social service agencies (SSAs) with training capabilities, to propose training initiatives to achieve the following outcomes:

  1. Increase employability and employment rate of persons with disabilities
  2. Empowering persons with disabilities through Independent Living and Work Skills Training, fostering greater independence
  3. Promote inclusiveness in employers and integrate persons with disabilities in the workforce

This grant is to defray the costs of training persons with disabilities, and is funded by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG) and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF).

Who Can Apply

The following organisations are eligible to apply for the grant:

  • Training providers or institutions
  • Social service agencies
  • Non-profit organisations
  • Social enterprises
  • Associations
  • Companies

Grant applications must fulfil all of the following:

  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Operating from offices in Singapore
  • Financially sustainable to continue their operations in Singapore
  • Not receiving other forms of government funding for their proposed course fees and capability development funding
  • The proposed training programme must be aligned with the Enabling Skills and Competencies Framework. 

The grant applicant's experience in training and a proven track record in the disability sector will be preferred.

How to Apply

Below are the steps to apply for the Training Grant:

  1. The Grant Call is open from 1st July to 31st Aug 2024.
  2. Download the application kit for SG Enable Training Grant.
  3. Complete and submit the application form and project proposal via email to training@sgenable.sg. Proposals should reach SG Enable by the grant call closing date.
  4. An acknowledgement email will be sent within three working days, upon receipt of the completed application form and proposal.
  5. Applicants may be requested to furnish more information if necessary.
  6. All applicants will be informed via email on the outcome of their applications.

If you wish to speak to Enabling Academy, you may call 1800 858 5885, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.

What the Grant Covers

S/NGrant CategoryDescriptionFunding Rates
ACourse fee funding to training providers to train persons with disabilitiesTo support training providers in the contextualisation and delivery of training and training-related services for both unemployed and in-employment persons with disabilities. Training could be in various forms, eg. in-house training, external training or on-the-job training.95% course fee funding per trainee.

Provision of training allowance and training commitment award for trainees may be available on a case-by-case basis.
BCourse fee funding to training providers to train employers and/or co-workersTo support training providers in the contextualisation and delivery of training to employers and/or co-workers, to build up their disability confidence and capabilities to hire and integrate persons with disabilities into the workplace, and to create an inclusive environment.90% course fee funding per trainee.
CCapability development grant to training providers to develop customised courses for persons with disabilities To support training providers for the cost incurred for the customisation of courses for persons with disabilities.90% funding for cost incurred for the customisation of courses for persons with disabilities


Key Funding Information

The funding criteria for the two categories of grant calls are as follows:

A. Course fee funding to training providers to train persons with disabilities

  • Trainees benefitting from the course fee funding, training allowance and training commitment award must meet the following eligibility criteria:
  1. Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident.
  2. Aged 16 and above.
  3. Certified of permanent disability.
  4. Not full-time students.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all trainees must fulfill a minimum of 75% attendance and meet assessment requirements (if any), and/or other terms and conditions for the training provider to claim funding.
  • Retrospective funding will not be considered.
  • Proposals with the following outcomes will be favourably considered for the grant:
    1. Placement outcomes for unemployed persons with disabilities, such as placement into contracts of service (i.e., full-time, part-time, contract-based employment).
    2. Positive training outcomes for in-employment persons with disabilities such as improvements in job performance, extended employment hours, salary increments, promotions.
  • Unless otherwise stated, outcome reports should be submitted within 30 days upon completion of the training programmes. All other reports are to be submitted in a timely manner based on the agreed timeline.

B. Course fee funding to training providers to train employers and/or co-workers

  • Trainees benefitting from the course fee funding must be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents of Singapore
  • Unless otherwise approved, all trainees must fulfill a minimum of 75% attendance; meet assessment requirements (if any); and/or other terms and conditions to be eligible for training providers to claim funding.
  • Retrospective funding will not be considered.
  • Training programmes should seek to enhance the knowledge and skills of employers and co-workers in working with persons with different types of disabilities; and on how to integrate and sustain persons with disabilities in the workplace, e.g., via job accommodation, workplace accessibility and build natural support.
  • Unless otherwise stated, outcome reports should be submitted within 30 days upon completion of the training programmes. All other reports are to be submitted in a timely manner based on the agreed timeline.

C. Capability development grant to training providers to customise courses for persons with disabilities 

  • Can be used for but not limited to the development of training curriculum, engagement of consultants, purchase of assistive devices and payment for software license subscription fees.
  • Retrospective funding will not be considered.

Application for SkillsFuture Credit for Courses for Persons with Disabilities

How to Apply? 

Submit the application form and project proposal for the SG Enable Training Grant via email to training@sgenable.sg.

  • For courses to be eligible for SkillsFuture Credit:

   1. Total course duration of at least 7 hours (excluding assessment and lunch)

   2. Work skills-related

   3. Open for individual registration

   4. Relevant to Singapore’s context


Note: Training Providers will be screened by SkillsFuture Singapore. All applicants will be informed via email on the outcome of their applications.